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VCDL Lobby Day, January 18, 2021 #Rolling4the2A #VCDL

Monday, January 18, 2021  

Lobby Day 2021 came off with only a few minor issues, mostly with Richmond shutting of roads and redirecting traffic unexpectedly. No violence, just a lot of patriots sending a strong message to the General Assembly to keep their hands off our gun rights. More information will follow once the General Assembly session is finished.

Link to watch the speakers at Lobby Day 2021:

Audio podcast version:

One of four caravan buses (Fairfax), each with a different message on gun rights:

Hampton Bus

Photo from the first caravan bus in Richmond showing long line of decked out vehicles:

Arial photography and video (to be released later) taken from the VCDL Freedom-1 helicopter:

Some of the vehicles ready to participate in Lobby Day:

Sampling of media coverage: