Gun Storage

Lobby Day Gun Storage

Preregister and Prepay Instructions

Gun Check BusVCDL Member Brandon Howard has offered his services again and you will be able to check your gun while you enter the General Assembly Building and Capitol Square.  We hate disarming as much as you do, but we can't let this stop us from lobbying to overturn this law and others.  If we let the gun ban stop us from attending, the anti-rights people have won!

There will be a BLACK BUS near the General Assembly Building where you can check your guns on VCDL's Lobby Day, Monday, January 20th.  This service will be available from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.  The rally part of Lobby Day will be from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. (an hour earlier than we've done it in the past!).

The storage facility will allow you to store your firearm, ammunition, and any magazines safely and securely.  The facility will have armed security guards to protect your property.

  • Guns being presented for storage must be unloaded.
    •  There will be a covered, concealed area attached to the bus with a clearing sand-bucket to give you a safe direction to point your gun while unloading. 
    • You can use the same facility for reloading when you pick up your checked firearm.
  • There is a nominal fee of $20.00 for storing your firearm.
  • Preregistration and prepayment is recommended.
    • The form will request identifying information about you and your gun so that only you can retrieve your checked gun.
    • You will receive a copy of the registration form to bring with you.  This will be used both to check your gun and to retrieve it.

Free hot coffee will be available by the truck, while supplies last.  The coffee and storage arrangements are being made by VCDL member Brandon Howard.  Brandon has his own group, Right to Bear Arms Virginia (R2BAVA).  Both the VCDL and R2BAVA logos will be on the storage facility.  

The BLACK BUS will be located on the west side of 8th Street, between Grace and Franklin streets, which is just one street west of the General Assembly.

Questions can be directed to Brandon Howard at 804-243-0036.  Please send a text first with your name and questions and Brandon will call you back quickly.R2BAVA Logo