Lobby Day Travel

Lobby Day Transportation, Parking, Meeting Places

See the links below for important resources regarding your Lobby Day travel.  If we've got enough interest, we'll be arranging buses from major population centers around the state.  We will also post a link where people can connect to form car pools.  Should you drive to Richmond, there's a map and a link to find parking once you arrive.  If you park on the street, you don't have to feed the meters, as Lobby Day falls on a holiday.  We do this on purpose, since many people have that day off of work, but the General Assembly is in session.

If you're coming in on Sunday, or you live in the area, we'll have a pre-lobby day dinner on Sunday night.  Check back for details, or watch the VA-ALERT.  We'll be getting an attendance count closer to the event so we can give the restaurant an idea of how many people to expect.

Travel Resources

Bus Reservations

We are working on finalizing the routes and pickup points.  Click the "READ MORE" button below to view the tentative routes.  Bus seats are a suggested donation of $40.00.  However, if you can't afford a seat, please contact us as seats are often donated.  If you would like to sponsor a bus, sponsorships are available for $500.00.  Routes are from Northern VA, Tidewater and Roanoke.

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Parking, Dining, Lodging

Whether you live in the area, or are traveling a distance, you'll need to know where to park, eat, or maybe even stay once you arrive.  We've compiled some links to help you navigate, and make your trip more enjoyable.  You'll find information on carpools, area hotels, 2A friendly restaurants and more.

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For those who are driving and have extra room, or those who don't want to drive and there's not a convenient bus, we've set up this site.  This is an outside site that specializes in carpool organization.  We've included some tips on using the site.  We hope this free services helps our members connect and share rides to Lobby Day.

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Pre-Lobby Day Dinner

For those who are coming into Richmond on Sunday, we'll have a pre-Lobby Day dinner on Sunday evening.  Dinner will be at the same restaurant as last year.  They have a wide variety of food and reasonable prices.  Click the link to let us know you're coming so we can give the restaurant an idea of attendance.

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What To Expect at Lobby Day

Lobby Day is a big deal.  It is one of the major keys to our success as an organization.  VCDL members from all over the state converge on the General Assembly in Richmond to lobby for our civil rights.  We've been doing this for over 20 years, and it works!  But only if each of you take the time to participate.

There's strength in numbers.  We often hear how impressive it is to walk through the General Assembly Building and see people with orange Guns SAVE Lives stickers in every hall, on every floor, and in every office. By participating in Lobby Day you are sending a distinct message to the Senators and Delegates.  You're telling them that your rights are paramount, and that you're watching them, to make sure that they guard those rights jealously. 

On the other hand, not showing up also makes an impression...and not the right one!  It tells our elected representatives that we don't care what they do.   And that is NOT the message we need to send!
2024 Lobby Day Map

You will find the schedule for the day by visiting VCDL.org/LobbyDaySchedule.  We start at 8:00 a.m. by forming teams.  The Team Leaders have assigned offices, so we make sure no office is missed.  Don't worry if the team you select isn't visiting your senator or delegate, you'll have time to visit with them as well.  In fact, we encourage you to make an appointment with them in advance.  But if you can't connect with your representatives for some reason, stop by their office and sign their guest book.  Remember to note that you're a VCDL member and a constituent!

Meet up with the teams at the corner of 9th and Broad Streets, outside the General Assembly Building.  Click on the map and look for the yellow star.  The red star shows where the rally will be.

We're often asked if families can bring their children.  We actually recommend it!  This is an educational experience for them.  As long as they are well mannered, they are welcome.  Attire should be business casual or nicer.  The way you dress conveys your respect for the people you are visiting.  

While meeting with the representatives is the primary focus of the day, we also have a rally, with interesting speakers.  This year it will be at 10:00, at the Bell Tower.  The speakers will be announced closer to the event.  After the rally is a great time to meet up with your own Senator and Delegate.  There's a link to find out who represents you on the main Lobby Day page.

We try to get all of our lobbying done in the morning.  While some of the representatives have committee meetings in the morning, they all have session in the afternoon.  So the best time for face time is early!

2025 Gun Check Service

VCDL Member Brendan Howard has offered his services again and you will be able to check your gun while you enter the General Assembly Building and Capitol Square.  We hate disarming as much as you do, but we can't let this stop us from lobbying to overturn this law and others.  If we let the gun ban stop us from attending, the anti-rights people have won!  The map in the section above indicates the defense free zones.  9th street will be closed between Broad and Bank Streets, and carry is allowed there, except for the sidewalks that border Capitol Square.  See the yellow/red area that indicates the boundaries.  We still need people to go inside the building and lobby.  It is essential that we have a good turnout, so bring your friends and family!

There will be a BLACK BUS near the General Assembly Building where you can check your guns on VCDL's Lobby Day, Monday, January 15th.  This service will be available from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.  The rally part of Lobby Day will be from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. (an hour earlier than we've done it in the past!).

The storage facility will allow you to store your firearm, ammunition, and any magazines safely and securely.  The facility will have armed security guards to protect your property.

  • Guns being presented for storage must be unloaded.
    •  There will be a covered, concealed area attached to the bus with a clearing sand-bucket to give you a safe direction to point your gun while unloading. 
    • You can use the same facility for reloading when you pick up your checked firearm.
  • There is a nominal fee of $15.00 for storing your firearm.
  • Preregistration and prepayment is recommended.
    • Click here to register.
    • The form will request identifying information about you and your gun so that only you can retrieve your checked gun.
    • You will receive a copy of the registration form to bring with you.  This will be used both to check your gun and to retrieve it.

Free hot coffee will be available by the truck, while supplies last.  The coffee and storage arrangements are being made by VCDL member Brandon Howard.  Brandon has his own group, Right to Bear Arms Virginia (R2BAVA).  Both the VCDL and R2BAVA logos will be on the storage facility.  

The exact location of the BLACK BUS will be provided the morning of Lobby Day, once the bus has been parked.  The location will be distributed via text message to all prepaid clients, and by the VCDL VA-ALERT to all subscribers.

Questions can be directed to Brandon Howard at 804-243-0036.  Please send a text first with your name and questions and Brandon will call you back quickly.